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Lynne Dean

Lynne Dean

Mandala Rocks

Lynne Dean lives in rural Metchosin, B.C. on a wild two acres property surrounded by Garry Oak, Grand Fir and Arbutus trees. Nature has many layers in her life where she nurtures her souls, finds peacefulness and draws energy. Nature has been a major source of inspiration for her art, photography and lifestyle. Mother of two teenagers life can be chaotic; art being a form of meditation for her. She is a lifelong learner, and carries her life as her art, as a continual evolution.

Specific rocks are chosen from my local beaches. One must be smooth, rounded shape but not too thick. Design starts with one center dot. That is the only resemblance you will find on each mandala rock. Colour and design will vary depending of the mood of the day. Each rock will take shape and come to life as none but her true self. Each is hand painted with acrylic paint and then sealed to safeguard its youth.

I hope you enjoy them!

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